Possible to change the Type of RTC "Picker Enumeration list" Attribute ?
I have a custom attribute which is of "Enumeration List" type and in the Editor Presentation. its of "Picker Enumeration list". Now when the Value is getting added along with the existing values, the below issue is seen. If there any way to handle it without disturbing the existing attribute workflow.
Could not save work item. Validation errors for item: type = WorkItem, itemId = [UUID XXXXXXXXXX]
Value of attribute "mediumStringExtensions.value" is 1009 bytes, which is greater than the allowed encoded length of 1000 bytes.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 23 '22, 3:41 a.m.Which version of EWM? How many choices does the enumeration used here provide? How many selections are in the enumeration list already?
RTC User Prime
May 23 '22, 3:48 a.m.Which version of EWM?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 23 '22, 8:36 a.m.I do not know all the details, how enumerationList attributes are stored in the database. Based on the error message, I would assume that the system stores the enumeration literal ID's in a medium string attribute e.g. comma separated. It will not store the display values, those are stored in the enumeration definition.
The error message would indicate that the enumeration literal IDs have a size of about 11 characters.
I would contact support to get this confirmed. I don't know how to solve this at the moment. I don't know what the attribute does, but there will likely always be limitations on number of custom attributes and amount of data they store.