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On-save Update value of an attribute in DNG using Extensions

Chandan M B (1134080) | asked May 04 '22, 2:02 p.m.

 Hello All,

 I am aware of some of the event based update of DNG attribute values using DNG extensions.
 Now my use case is to update the value of DNG attribute just like "on-save" immediately update the value of other attribute. Do we have such kind of events to update DNG attributes using extensions

Kind Regards,

2 answers

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Luis M (11) | answered May 04 '22, 6:44 p.m.


Extensions support life-cycle events including 'ARTIFACT_SAVED'. 
You can see all the supported events in the link below.

Chandan M B commented May 06 '22, 5:12 a.m.

Thanks Luis. Could you please give me some hints/example on how to use this event trigger.

Chandan M B commented May 06 '22, 9:06 a.m.

Also, ARTIFACT_SAVED Event will be called every time on the Requirement. But I need to capture only when the specific attribute is modified.

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Luis M (11) | answered May 06 '22, 3:18 p.m.


You can find extension examples in the link below. 

For your case you may need to keep track of the existing attribute value when the artifact is selected, then checking the value on save to see if it has changed and executing your custom code to update another attribute.

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