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Module update via REST causes Error 500: Slug should be decorated but is not 'xxxxxxxxxxx'

Andy Dennis (119) | asked Mar 09 '21, 10:00 a.m.


We recently upgraded to 7.0.1.  I'm not sure if this is related, but I'm now getting the above error when trying to add content to a module using the REST API.
I can't see any difference between the structure the module if I manually add artifacts to one where the artifacts are created through REST then added.

I'm using the Module API

Anybody come across this or have an idea of what the issue is?


One answer

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Cristobal Sandoval (862) | answered Apr 01 '21, 2:38 p.m.

 There have been some fixes for this kind of problem already fixed, i'd recommend to apply the latest ifix available.

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