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Accessing contents of comment using comment id without using artifact url

Srushti Pawar (112) | asked Apr 02 '21, 4:20 a.m.

 For java application based on doorsng ,Suppose I have comment Id or comment location (uniquely identifies comment). Then is there any way I can get comment content ? I dont want to use artifact url.

Eg.I have this:  <rooturl>/rm/comments/<comment-id>
Can I get comment content through this using any oslc api for java application?

Srushti Pawar commented Apr 02 '21, 4:51 a.m.

 In simplier terms I want to access individual comments

One answer

permanent link
Sunil Kumar (27111) | answered Apr 07 '21, 6:36 a.m.

as per my understanding, there is no option to get comments details directly from DNG or via JRS report. But RPE helps to fetch the individual comments for the artifacts inside a Module.

Srushti Pawar commented Apr 07 '21, 1:55 p.m.

 thanks for your reply.

SO using RPE will I be able to fetch any comment content using  only comment url or comment id?

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