Is there a way to export performance data from LDX>Health Monitoring>Performance > Memory Consumption> Heap Memory
We are trying to pin point an issue that seems to coincide with when the Heap memory approaches or exceeds the Critical threshold. Is there away to export the minute by minute data points to look for a correlation between heap memory and system degradation. The node that shows here also houses or JTS. We are having issues with authentication periodically. This only started a week ago with no changes to the environment.
LDX 7.0.1
2 answers
As far as I can tell, this is independent of the application.
In the deployment Wiki there is a whole section talking about monitoring:
With 7.0.x there are several monitoring mechanisms made available that collect data on the application level. Look up the MBeans.
Monitoring on application server or network node level re usually provided by the application server and the network nodes. You would use enterprise monitoring tools (such as Splunk for example) to collect the whole breadth of metrices.
There is a variety of such tools available. I believe several are mentioned in the deployment Wiki.
There is a variety of such tools available. I believe several are mentioned in the deployment Wiki.
For Liberty, some of the data is available in the admin center:
For LQE monitoring
I did not find a button to export the data of the health monitoring, unfortunately.