jvm.options are not respected for Xms, Xmx, and Xmn
I have a new server that is not respecting my settings for jvm.options. I'm on 7.0.2 SR1, on Linux. When I add the following to the jvm.options: Xms=8GB, Xmx=8GB, Xmn=2GB, it ignores it and appears to override with Xms=4GB, Xmx=4GB, Xmn=1GB.
The server.startup does not have any settings for it other than in the following stanza:
When run in a Jazz build, a 32-bit JRE is used, so don't set 64-bit options
if [ -z "$_RUNNING_IN_JAZZ_BUILD" ]; then
Obviously, this is a server, not a Jazz build. Only if I explicity add the settings to server.startup, will it obey the JVM settings. Any idea why this is happening?