How to access linked work items of the a work item using RPE

I am using RPE Version 2.1.2 and CLM I have an Work-item A 's ID using which I want to access its linked work-items of all link types. Then display summary and ID of those linked work-items. <o:p> </o:p>
To implement this I have taken two data source, RTCworkitem and RefWorkitem. URL for RTCworkitem is https://QA:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem/workItem/id/555 and RefWorkitem is https://QA:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem/workItem/auditableLinks/targetRef/referencedItem/reportableUrl <o:p> </o:p>
Data source configuration, Target data source – RefWorkitem and Inherited data configuration – RTCworkitem. Dynamic Configuration – Not sure about URL <o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> It's </o:p> not working, have I missed anything in the configuration? Please help me with correct configuration.
<o:p> </o:p>
Thank you!
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