Obtain artifact Wrapped Resource link from RM extension

I would like to know if there is an easy way, using the Javascript RM API extensions, to retrieve the link to the wrapped resource (e.g. https://xxxxx.com/rm/wrappedResources/WR_tDcmoZrJEeyk_I2zbQzuyg) contained inside of an artifact, for example a picture.
Given the reference of the articfact, the .toUri() function only provides the link to the artifact, not to its content
One answer


Thank you, but this does not seem to work in my case even i'm using version 7.0.3.
Trying to access the resources with the modified URL gives the following error:
Error 400: Bad Request
Propagated exception; original message [InternalServerErrorException: Propagated exception; original message [ClassCastException: com.ibm.rdm.service.artifacts.model.impl.Binding incompatible with com.ibm.rdm.service.artifacts.model.IWrapperResource]]
In the meantime we found the workaround to import the pictures inside a Word table, in this way the HTML table in the generated artifact will contain a "correct" Wrapped Resource URL allowing to directly download the picture if needed
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 10 '24, 2:49 a.m.If you have to comment on an old question, please use a comment and not an answer. Now this question looks as it has an answer which it does not.