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How to read an Artifact from a Dng Component using OSLC

Vaibhav S (106354) | asked Sep 24 '21, 10:06 a.m.

 Hello all,

I need to read the details of an Artifact from 2 components in a DNG Project Area using OSLC. Can anyone help me as to how can we achieve this.

I can read the Artifacts from Project Area level using: 
serviceProviderUrl = client.lookupServiceProviderUrl(rootServicesHelper.getCatalogUrl(), projectArea);

How can I go further into a Component. Please let me know. 


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 28 '21, 6:57 a.m.
edited Sep 28 '21, 7:03 a.m.

 Fur further references, here is the ELM API Landing page:

Bookmark it. It lists general workshops and resources. Then it lists product specific APIs and resources. For Doors Next it lists the DNG Module API which is, by the way not an OSLC API. I leave it to you to find the link to the Module API and would suggest to at least scan the other links for the product you are interested in.

I am not totally sure about the components and how to access data within them. I have only explored the API to get the components and to work with them. I think I already gave you the link to the type system manager articles: .

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