How do you verify that an application is connected to the database?
2 answers
if you getting above error code, if its ibm db2 database please login to db2administrator window try connecting
db2 connect to JTS
if you getting database details then database is working fine. if not the database got some issue.
Case 1:
db2 connect to JTS is success then please check database hostname, port you provided correctly. if db2 database is in other server check its getting ping correctly.
if all above working the stop application and start again. Always while starting application first should be db2 and then application server.
case 2:
db2 connect to jts fails.
you have check with db2 administrator for this.
I verified that the database is connected to jts. Do I take the same approach if its another application other then jts?
yes you can try that.
If db2 is in second server please try ping with provided hostname in database connection setting , check 50000 (default) is open .
let me know the sequence in which you started the server.