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How to change a custom attribute of RQM (6.0.6) test case from text(small) to text(medium)?

jane zhou (1061068) | asked May 11 '20, 10:28 a.m.
edited May 11 '20, 10:34 a.m.


Hi Someone who may concern,

      We have a custom attribute of RQM(6.0.6) test case with type as Text small. We noticed it has limitation of 255 characters. However, since this attribute is to record a URL, after it is created and is used some time, we noticed in some cases, it may exceed 255 characters. We notice as long as the attribute is created, it seems we can not change type of it any more.We are not sure what can we do to resolve such issue? 


Best Regards,

One answer

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Matthieu Leroux (6571614) | answered May 11 '20, 11:19 a.m.
Hello Jane,

it is not possible to change the type of a custom attribute.

You could rename your attribute something like <name>-DONOTUSE,
create a new one with the current name,
update the artifacts to use the new attribute of type medium string.
finally, once all are updated, delete the attribute of type text(small).

Please note that there is a RFE for this already:

Best Regards,

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