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Revert change set and changes in RM component

Eduardo Pérez Soto (338) | asked Nov 16 '21, 3:51 a.m.

 Hi, after deploying a change set in a component I realized that there was wrong changes. I have seen an option which is to create a new stream from the previous baseline but I would want to know if I can revert the changes in the stream to the previous baseline, thus having the same content on the stream and on the baseline.

Another question would be how to revert changes from the History of a Module. When I am seeing all the changes made to a module in the Audit history section, I cannot see the option to revert from a selected change.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Nov 16 '21, 3:04 p.m.

 To my knowledge, there is no revert/reverse change set functionality in RM.

Eduardo Pérez Soto selected this answer as the correct answer

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