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[RPE] Can we do RPE Reporting on RDM Definitions, Queries and Reports

- Definitions
- Reviews (Name, Configuration, State, etc...)
- Queries
One answer

I could be mis-remembering, but I believe the reportable REST API for models wasn't added until Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM).
Rhapsody Design Manager: Time to migrate to Rhapsody Model Manager
As many of you are aware, Rhapsody Model Manager was developed to replace Rhapsody Design Manager and that day is now close to hand. The last version of Rhapsody Design Manager is V6.0.6.1. This final version of Design Manager will work with Rhapsody 8.3.1 and with ELM 7.0.0 and 7.0.1 (see Optional Programs Section). Customers with entitlement to Design Manager will also have entitlement to Rhapsody Model Manager going forward.
As an update to my last what’s new blog post: support for Design Manager is planned to end in September 2021. Between now and the end of support only Severity 1 and migration issues will be responded to by IBM Support. Any RFEs raised will be triaged and if applicable moved to RMM.
If you haven’t started already, it’s time to start planning and migrating from Rhapsody Design Manager to Rhapsody Model Manager. Please contact your account manager and/or technical sales representative to discuss how this process can be managed.
Any teams that are starting new modeling projects should use Rhapsody Model Manager. We’ve received a lot of good feedback on the stability, enterprise scale, and tight integration of Rhapsody Model Manager in the ELM solution. I hope you will soon experience the benefits yourself.