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Duplicate stream via Plain Java API

Hello everyone,
Is it possible to duplicate a stream using Plain Java API?
I need to create a new stream with the same folder structure as another one.
I first tried to take the changesets from the source stream and somehow deliver them to the target stream but I could not make it work.
Then, I saw that you can duplicate one stream in the Jazz web interface, but could not find how to do it via Plain API. I only found a question from 3 years ago about this which has no answer:
I was wondering maybe someone has an update about this.
Thank you,
2 answers

Ana-Maria Rosu,
I'm right now working on such a solution which will give you the possibility to "clone" a stream into another one. It will take some time - but end of October it should be ready. It will do a little bit more than just cloning - so stay tuned.
Is this feasible for you to wait a little bit or do you need a "fast solution"?