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Api rest for view all project area and project area creation

Hi everyone, I would like some clarifications.
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><jp06: project-area xmlns: jp06 = "http://jazz.net/xmlns/prod/jazz/process/0.6/" jp06: templateId = "com.ibm.team.process.test" jp06: templateLocale = " en_US ">
<jp06: name> testProjectAreaCreation </ jp06: name>
<jp06: summary> The summary </ jp06: summary>
<jp06: description> The description </ jp06: description>
<jp06: visibility jp06: access = "PUBLIC" />
</ jp06: project-area>
Oh one last thing, for get or post calls, I have to login first right? And how do I know when the login call I have made expires?
Accepted answer

Project Areas collectionURL: the value of the rdf:resource attribute from the projectAreas element in the server's rootservices document.


I am absolutely in agreement that a simple example like the above would have been nice and helpful. The discovery using the rootservices document and this kind of flow is absolutely typical. The flows are often longer.

Here I am again and after some tests maybe I managed the end point for the post is the following:
6 other answers

As far as I can tell, the API https://hostname:port/ccm/rpt/ is part of the reportable REST API. It is a read-only API.

This is an area where foundation could provide a deeper OSLC implementation than it currently does. For example, provide an OSLC query capability and creation factory for project areas that was discoverable from the OSLC service provider catalog, and support media types such as application/rdf+xml, application-x-turtle, text/turtle for GET/PUT/POST as recommended by OSLC Core. The https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DraftTeamProcessRestApi is not OSLC compliant, but AFAIK, is the only means to create or modify project areas.

Thanks Ralph, for the answer, but the link you gave me, which by the way is the one I found but that does not present the endpoints, or at least I can't see them, there are the "creation" posts also the body that I posted in question is taken from there but "parameterized" for my needs. The problem is that I can't find the call endpoints.

Thank you very much what you posted is very useful, this afternoon I will study it well. But I have to ask you two more questions, I try to post them here, otherwise I will open a new post.
@David Can you explain to me what you are referring to for OSCL is a completely new topic for me and I apologize for that. Thank you.

This should be a comment and not an answer.
See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMProductAPILanding and check the links and especially the OSLC section. There is no OSLC API to create project areas, so I would ignore that aspect for now.

You're right sorry, I could not find the link.

Sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to say here. With respect to the API endpoints, usually you have to discover them using the aforementioned rootservices document and possibly even more calls using URIS discovered so far.
Postman works good enough. The SOAP APIs are all internal APIS. You should only use the APIS exposed in the API landing page and avoid internal APIs.

If users try these APIs, I have to assume some basic knowledge of RTC and its administration.

You're right too, but I didn't find the tab I needed, then I found it. I know very well the creation of a manual PA, indeed we have also created PA that inherit the processConfiguration from another PA, which I did not understand if it can be done or not via APIRest.

Here I am again, re-reading the answer, I realized that maybe I have explained myself badly, I try to do it better.

Note, In order to be able to POST successfully, add a header X-Jazz-CSRF-Prevent and in the value paste the value of the JSESSIONID Cookie from your session (e.g. you get it during the login or GET operations).

In the meantime, thanks for everything and sorry if maybe I express myself badly in the concepts.

Note that inheriting a shared process requires to use the "Unconfigured Process" to create the sharing project area. Like usual, it is necessary to understand how the system behaves and how to work with the system, before being able to automate the process.

The problem with the Rest API is that I can't find (how I managed) to tell them, in the request body. Here is the link to the screen, this was created using a Java api, but inherits the process Configuration from another that has already been preconfigured and is not empty: https://ibb.co/CsBfQGf
I assure you that the PA from which it inherits everything is configured ad hoc and this one that inherits it receives everything.

And I assure you, you do not do it right and what you have done makes process sharing impossible. It might look like it works, but, in fact, it does not.