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Is it possible to get user profile photo using REST or oslc?

I need to show the RTC profile pic in my app.
I got the photo url from the feed
which looks like:
<rtc_cm:User rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/jts/users/Srihari.Surabhi">
<dc:title>Srihari Surabhi</dc:title>
<rtc_cm:photo rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/ccm/resource/content/_HC4m4espEeOo0_tviuWiCw"/>
How can I retrieve this content programatically using AJAX or any other means..what would be request and response types.
When I hit this url in browser I can see the image, but I guess the response content is HTML.
Is there any other way to get RTC profile picture..