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DNG API Query not returning data for some views.

Logan Torres (179) | asked Aug 05 '21, 9:06 a.m.

 We have a module with data that has multiple different views. When I input the query into the browser for some views, it returns the XML format with all of the data from the module. On some views it doesn't return and of the data. 

The query format i'm using is:

"base URL"/rm/publish/resources?moduleURI="module URI"&oslc_config.context="streamURL"&viewURI="view URI"

It seems that the Views that have a certain filter applied to it are the ones that do not show. Is there a fix or known issue about this. Or am i doing something wrong? 

The reason I'm looking at the xml output of it is because when we tried to run an RPE template on some of the views none of the data was populated.

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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Aug 05 '21, 11:34 a.m.

 Hi Logan

I can't confirm this at the moment, but I seem to recall that for the DOORS Next Reportable REST API that you're using, the view has to be a module-local view, i.e. it can't be one shared across modules of that type. Would that explain why you can't report some views?

Logan Torres commented Aug 05 '21, 12:02 p.m.

Hi Ian, Thanks for the response, 

I tried creating a personal view that is module local and changing the filtering of the artifacts. When I put the filters like one of the working views, the API query gets the data, but when i change the view filter like one of the non working views, the API query doesn't work.

Ian Barnard commented Aug 06 '21, 11:32 a.m.
What DOORS Next version and ifix are you using?

If you can give any detail of the change of the filter that stops content being present, maybe I can try that out?

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