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Is there a API to get the name of only latest snapshot from the stream?

Pushpa Gangadharaiah (132) | asked Aug 04 '21, 3:47 a.m.

 The use case is I have IWorkspaceConnection object and I need to fetch the name of the latest snapshot. There is a api ".getBaselineSets(IProgressMonitor)" , however it lists all the snapshot and the javadocs says "The items in the list not specified to be in any particular order" . Is the first object in the list is the latest one or Is there any other api's to fetch the latest snapshot details?

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Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | answered Aug 05 '21, 10:30 a.m.

As far as I know, to fetch the latest snapshot you have to retrieve the creation dates and compare them. 

Pehaps this code snippet I used some time ago for this purpose can help you:

List<?> snapshots = reportStreamConn.getBaselineSets(monitor);
for (Object snapshotObj : snapshots) {
  IBaselineSetHandle snapshotHandle = (IBaselineSetHandle) snapshotObj;   
  IBaselineSet snapshot = (IBaselineSet) repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(snapshotHandle,   IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
  Date snapshotCreationDate = snapshot.getCreationDate();
// compare the dates and retrieve the most recent
// .....

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