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RPE report for module DNG

Irina Vaganova (4111114) | asked Jul 07 '21, 11:22 a.m.


I try create RPE report for DNG module. I use the built-in report printModuleBook.dta as a basis. I have several artifact in module which contains large tables , other artefacts simple text.  I need get report for module with landscape orientation for tables and portrait orientation for text artefact. I read this article: 
I create attribute in artefacts DNG - showTable (type : boolean): true - if need landscape orientation, false - if need portrait. But I could not get value of this attrubute in RPE. I can get only attribute for module not for artefacts in it.      
Is there way create report for module with dynamic master page depending on attribute value of artefacts in modules?  
DNG: 6.0.5

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