CRJAZ6022E Cannot log into the following server through Eclipse Client
CRJAZ6022E Cannot log into the following server: . CRJAZ0099E An HTTP error occurred when this URL was being accessed: /ccm/versionCompatibility?clientVersion=6.0.6. Error details: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
3 answers
This is just not a real question and does not contain information that would allow to say anything. For all the message says, the connection to the server that you try to connect to is closed. There is no way of telling why this happens. You should talk to the team that runs your system what can be done. I doubt someone here can help based on so little information.
I don't think that that is the problem. If it was, there would be a response that the versions do not match and a version number for the client and the server. In the message above, the remote host forcefully closes the connection before even answering.