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Quick Planner team progress working

vinitha dsouza (14723135) | asked May 07 '20, 6:44 a.m.
edited May 07 '20, 9:27 a.m.
Hello Team,

Our Setup:
 RTC Version:
 Project Area:
 One Timeline - Iterations 3 weeks timeboxed
 multiple teams - share same timeline.

So oveall all the teams have deliver 3 weeks iteration.

i started exploring quick planner to see progress one Team using plan board.

What i noticed is:
i see team progress for iteration and cannot see " Team progress for iterations for specific team"
I even went to settings and filter with filed against for one Team.
Result is items are filtered out but team progress remains same.

How do i see team progress for a specific teams with one Timeline for overall project area.
for eg: Team A Progress, Team B progress.


vinitha dsouza commented May 08 '20, 11:01 a.m.
can some one answer this query?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered May 10 '20, 3:37 p.m. and 7.0 is not taking care of the team filter when showing the progress .

This is a planned enhancement for 7.0.1 and according the Enhancement it should be already in 7.0.1M1 available.
You may shortly test on, where M1 is already deployed.


vinitha dsouza selected this answer as the correct answer

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