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QM: How to add reviewer to several test cases at the same time (bulk edit)?

Reinhold Bock (113) | asked Mar 17 '21, 6:08 a.m.


following scenario:
Several test cases are in state "under review" and now I want to assign these test case to a person for review. 
But I don't want to open each test case separately for this. Within the Formal Review Section.
Is there a kind of bulk-edit-feature or another smooth possibility to do this?
I am using QM Version 6.0.6
Thanks a lot.

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Karthik Sirimulla (1811) | answered Mar 19 '21, 1:00 a.m.

 Hi Reinhold,

We have a work Item to cover the scenario. 


Reinhold Bock commented Mar 19 '21, 2:00 a.m.

Hi Karthik,

thanks for your reply. Is there already a timetable for implementing this function?

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