How to remove autogenerated ID in figure caption and table caption in IBM RPE
Hi All,
Table and Figures are added in DNG module
For Eg)
Output from Generated Template)
List of Tables
1 Table 1 :Ipsem Lorem..........................2
List of Figures
1 Mgen Logo....................5
2 JTS ...............................6
Expected Output)
List of Tables
Table 1 :Ipsem Lorem..........................2
List of Figures
Figure 1:Mgen Logo....................5
Figure 2:JTS ...............................6
How to implement this customization in RPE template.
Thanks in Advance.
2 answers
For Tables just get rid of <caption> tag and replace this with span tag.
For List of Figures you can create your own word style for the list of Figures.
Hi Bartosz,
Can you please let me know the procedure how to implement it??
Hi Bartosz,
For Table this change must be done in DNG side or RPE side, can you please elaborate on this process??
Hi Bartosz,
Please provide a working sample for this output??
Hi Bartosz,
Please provide a working sample for this output or kindly provide the work instructions how to implement in RPE Template
Prashanth Manohar Gopi