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Jazz Authorization Server - add after installation has occurred

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Feb 26 '21, 3:32 p.m.
I have followed the instructions for enabling JasSso for an installation that was already implemented.

In all case, I'm on the remote console of the server of installation and have full administrator rights, yet the when running the repotools-jts -prepareJasSsoMigration entry I get CRJAZ2902E The login attempt to the following server failed because of insufficient permissions : {server name}

I cannot find any other information on what the failure is as I do have full permission - please help.

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Lonnie VanZandt (88717) | answered Mar 25 '21, 11:32 a.m.

 Try the explicit form of the command-line arguments

  ./ -prepareJsaSsoMigration adminUserId=ADMIN adminPassword=ADMIN repositoryURL=https://${clmFqdn}:${clmPort}/jts
You do not need admin (su) access on the server where JTS is installed (for this chore) and the admin credentials shown here are for an existing JazzAdmin user within that JTS CLM server. (Shown is use of the default ADMIN : ADMIN user : password that is available during initial installation and setup.

This will generate a log file in the same directory which might give you more clues when it fails.

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