DNG Component Property Question

I have a question about the component property management in DNG. There is an Attribute Data Type in DNG. Its RDF URIs are not consistent with each other. There are some “DataBus” in the URIs as well as “Databus”, and “RX”" vs “Rx”. I need to modify the RDF URIs to have a consistent style. I guess the modification will impact the whole component. However, there are already have lots of requirements in this component which people are working on. Damages to the existing requirement in the same component are not allowed, no matter the requirements are in a stream, a baseline or an open change set.
My question is, will the modification of the RDF URI damage other existing artifacts in this component?
Accepted answer

as far as I am aware managing the type system consistently is a serious and important task. To my knowledge the tools are not really designed to allow changing type RDF URIs and used RDF URIs are already in report data.
Please read https://jazz.net/library/article/92352 and consider contacting support.