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Definition of "Current Iteration"

Michael Burkhart (631) | asked Nov 18 '09, 4:17 p.m.
We have defined a hiearchical iteration model in our timeline to support the fact that some of our scrum teams iterate on 2 week boundaries and others iterate on 4 week boundaries. To support this we have created our 4 week iterations with Names like Iteration 1, 2, 3 etc, and then we have created child iterations with names like 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b etc. The teams who iterate on 4 week boundaries create iteration plans in the 1, 2,3 iterations while the teams that iterate on 2 week boundaries create plans in the 1a, 1b, 2a iterations - the children of the 1,2,3 iterations.

This is working pretty well, but we are running into some problems with the variable called "current iteration" in RTC. Based on our hiearchical iteration definition we have Iteration 2 and 2a ( child of 2 ) set as our current iteration, but it appears that the variable "Current Iteration" that can be used in queries only specifies Iteration 2a as the current iteration - the child-most node of the hiearchy. This creates problems for our project managers and Iteration 2 team members who want to see their work items by using the current iteration variable, but don't get any of their work items cause it is defaulting to 2a.

Is there any way to set "currrent iteration" to both 2 and 2a? The parent and the child?

Is there some other structure that we could or should use to allow this model of development? We are all working against the same source tree on the same release...

Thanks for any advice you can provide.

5 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Nov 18 '09, 6:55 p.m.

There is really only one current iteration for each timeline. In your case, it is Iteration 2a.

You could set up two timelines -- one that is followed by teams that iterate on a 4 week schedule and one for teams that iterate on a 2 week schedule.

Jazz Developer

We have defined a hiearchical iteration model in our timeline to support the fact that some of our scrum teams iterate on 2 week boundaries and others iterate on 4 week boundaries. To support this we have created our 4 week iterations with Names like Iteration 1, 2, 3 etc, and then we have created child iterations with names like 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b etc. The teams who iterate on 4 week boundaries create iteration plans in the 1, 2,3 iterations while the teams that iterate on 2 week boundaries create plans in the 1a, 1b, 2a iterations - the children of the 1,2,3 iterations.

This is working pretty well, but we are running into some problems with the variable called "current iteration" in RTC. Based on our hiearchical iteration definition we have Iteration 2 and 2a ( child of 2 ) set as our current iteration, but it appears that the variable "Current Iteration" that can be used in queries only specifies Iteration 2a as the current iteration - the child-most node of the hiearchy. This creates problems for our project managers and Iteration 2 team members who want to see their work items by using the current iteration variable, but don't get any of their work items cause it is defaulting to 2a.

Is there any way to set "currrent iteration" to both 2 and 2a? The parent and the child?

Is there some other structure that we could or should use to allow this model of development? We are all working against the same source tree on the same release...

Thanks for any advice you can provide.

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Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Nov 23 '09, 3:53 a.m.
tarazan_fox wrote:
We have defined a hiearchical iteration model in our timeline to
support the fact that some of our scrum teams iterate on 2 week
boundaries and others iterate on 4 week boundaries. To support this
we have created our 4 week iterations with Names like Iteration 1, 2,
3 etc, and then we have created child iterations with names like 1a,
1b, 2a, 2b etc. The teams who iterate on 4 week boundaries create
iteration plans in the 1, 2,3 iterations while the teams that iterate
on 2 week boundaries create plans in the 1a, 1b, 2a iterations - the
children of the 1,2,3 iterations.

This is working pretty well, but we are running into some problems
with the variable called "current iteration" in RTC. Based
on our hiearchical iteration definition we have Iteration 2 and 2a (
child of 2 ) set as our current iteration, but it appears that the
variable "Current Iteration" that can be used in queries
only specifies Iteration 2a as the current iteration - the child-most
node of the hiearchy. This creates problems for our project managers
and Iteration 2 team members who want to see their work items by
using the current iteration variable, but don't get any of their work
items cause it is defaulting to 2a.

Is there any way to set "currrent iteration" to both 2 and
2a? The parent and the child?

Is there some other structure that we could or should use to allow
this model of development? We are all working against the same source
tree on the same release...

Thanks for any advice you can provide.

As a workaround you can also manually select and update the query
instead of using the current iteration literal. However, this means that
the query needs to be updated whenever the current iteration changes.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team

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Savitha palya (2652) | answered Nov 23 '09, 4:15 a.m.
I have created the Project Area for maintaing portfolio of Projects, one of the development ( Time line) is due closure on 24th November. I have created the dashboard which shows up all the current plans in the projects.
As of now the current plan under the timeline that is due closure is fine, but after 2th it may not be correct.

How to rectifiy this probleme. Please let me know what should be my approach?

a. How can I remove the 'Set as current' iteration so that I don't get to see the plans from this Time line?

b. Can I archive the Time line, if archived how long will the data be available for me? When will the archived timelines be permananetly deleted ?
I need this data for future references also and don't want to loose them from the RTC Tool.

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Nov 24 '09, 3:11 p.m.
Please see my reply to the separate post that contains your questions.

Jazz Developer
I have created the Project Area for maintaing portfolio of Projects, one of the development ( Time line) is due closure on 24th November. I have created the dashboard which shows up all the current plans in the projects.
As of now the current plan under the timeline that is due closure is fine, but after 2th it may not be correct.

How to rectifiy this probleme. Please let me know what should be my approach?

a. How can I remove the 'Set as current' iteration so that I don't get to see the plans from this Time line?

b. Can I archive the Time line, if archived how long will the data be available for me? When will the archived timelines be permananetly deleted ?
I need this data for future references also and don't want to loose them from the RTC Tool.

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Savitha palya (2652) | answered Jan 28 '10, 7:43 a.m.
Please let me know how to update the date field - start date based on the state change of the workitem. As and when the developers change the workitem state from Open to Inprogress, then automatically the start date should be assigned with the date and time. I see the history tab which
provides the preview of the complete workitem changes, in which we also see the state change and the date and time.

Could some one provide me the program to achive the same?

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