Table and figure captions in doors NG

HI all,
I am trying to add my captions and refer to them as I did in MS word, but now I am using doors NG and i cant seem to figure out how to do it. I have two problems here:
1) I am not sure how to caption and how refer to a picture or table in my doors NG document. For instance "refer to table 2-1" where this number is generated automatically based on a heading
a) Doors does not seem to have a caption option for a picture but it does have a caption option for a table ?
b) If i use the caption for the table how do I refer to it and how to I fix the numbering ?
2) in pub all my pictures are in "rich TextBody/ div" so now my problem is 2 fold not sure how to reference pictures/tables captions in doors NG table report also in PUB it looks like I should have a different data sources to use the captions i.e. not _text.....
If any one can impart some wisdom on me I would be pretty happy !
Best regards,