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How to use Android studio as an IDE with Rational Eclipse Client 6.0.5?

meghana kaddu (2110) | asked Nov 12 '20, 11:23 p.m.


Currently I am using eclipse client as IDE with Rational Eclipse Client 6.0.5. In the same way, Can I use Android studio as an IDE with Rational Eclipse Client?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Nov 14 '20, 12:06 p.m.

 You can use Android studio as an editor for modifying files in an EWM sandbox, but to do SCM operations (like create/load a sandbox, or checkin/deliver changed files from the sandbox), you would need to use a client that knows how to talk to the EWM server.   To my knowledge, nobody has extended the Android studio to know how to talk to an EWM server.

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