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export the list of permssion for each role

Chidambaram L (23414287) | asked Nov 04 '20, 2:41 a.m.
I need to extract the list of roles & its permissions in excel or xml for DNG, RTC & AM. Can this be extracted using Plain Java or REST API ?
Excel would be good platform for Roles & Permissions discussion with the Business community.
Roles & Permissions are fixed to each context. can this be downloaded from somewhere.

One answer

permanent link
Chidambaram L (23414287) | answered Nov 09 '20, 4:46 a.m.
edited Nov 09 '20, 5:31 a.m.

REST call to read the list of permissions in the project. this does not show the permission granted for each role.


REST call to add permission to a particular role:


form POST:

    itemId "tT_swLp7Eemed5Qb7DsVmg"
    stateId "_7-KJgCJuEeupXY0yKf6Msg"
    owningApplicationKey "JTS-Sentinel-Id"
    jsonMembers "{}"
    jsonAdmins "{}"
    processLocale "en_US"
  "granted": {
    "rolesToOperations": {
      "developer": {
        "": [
            "final": false,
            "explanation": "",
            "actionPaths": [
    publicVisible "false"
    memberVisible "true"
    specificUserVisible "false"

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