export the list of permssion for each role
I need to extract the list of roles & its permissions in excel or xml for DNG, RTC & AM. Can this be extracted using Plain Java or REST API ?
Excel would be good platform for Roles & Permissions discussion with the Business community.
Roles & Permissions are fixed to each context. can this be downloaded from somewhere.
One answer
REST call to read the list of permissions in the project. this does not show the permission granted for each role.
REST call to add permission to a particular role:
form POST:
itemId "tT_swLp7Eemed5Qb7DsVmg"
stateId "_7-KJgCJuEeupXY0yKf6Msg"
owningApplicationKey "JTS-Sentinel-Id"
jsonMembers "{}"
jsonAdmins "{}"
processLocale "en_US"
"granted": {
"rolesToOperations": {
"developer": {
"com.ibm.team.build.server.saveBuildDefinition": [
"final": false,
"explanation": "",
"actionPaths": [
publicVisible "false"
memberVisible "true"
specificUserVisible "false"