View with all artifacts modified in a Change Set
Within the context set a Change Set that has not yet been delivered, is it possible to create a view that shows all artifacts modified in that change set?
Alternatively is there a different way to change an attribute on all artifacts modified in a Change Set
One answer
Which dialog do I need to right click the change set from to bring this up?
Don't have a system running right now. In the Eclipse client, I believe, right click on the change set e.g. in the history view or the pending changes. Select Show In>Change Explorer. There are several options in that dialog. Also look at other options in the context menu of the change set. There are different views available. Try them, in case I am confusing the names.
I am running DOORS NG within an browser and not using an Eclipse client.
I have found a place that lists all the artifacts changed in a Change Set
I can also 'Compare with Stream' which shows the changed attributes but no way to edit the attributes for multiple artifacts at once
Sorry, stupid me. I thought EWM. Did not check your accurate tagging. Forget my answer.
No problem.
Hopefully someone else has a way