Cannot Create Stream
Hi, I've just jumped on board with DNG and I'm struggling to find a way to play around with Streams. In this instructional video on youtube ( the instructor is able to navigate to the drop down menu next to there login user name, and go "Create Stream".
In my project I can only see:
Configuration Context
Switch Configuration
Local Configuration
Create BaselineCompare Configuration
Might this be because I don't have an activation key loaded for Configuration Management in the /rm application?
Accepted answer
Hi Mitch,
You will need an activation key before you can enable a DN project area for configuration management.
You should read before doing so. It has a link to a self-service page where you can get an activation key.
Best regards,
Thanks David, there's quite a lot of information that is overwhelming and hard to understand for the new user to DNG that has come from a DOORs 9.x background.
I'm very much after the same capability that 9.X provided with its "Change Proposal System".
But I don't want it at the expense of it breaking connectivity between DNG /rm and other applications like Cameo System Modeller (via the DataHub plug-in) notably not Jazz/IBMs responsibility.
I would like to have Quality Manager running tests against requirements in the /rm app, but I also don't want this to become broken.
Is the key gen in your link for the trial product only? Or is there an additional key my organization needs to purchase to enable this CM capabilities for real licensed environments??
The activation key does not have any expiry date/time. I don't think there is any license cost associated with this, but you should check with your IBM account manager since I'm in development not sales.
2 other answers
Hi Mitch,
You will need to have the DNG project switched on for Configuration Management.
You will also need to have the correct permissions.
Additional steps maybe required but that's a good start to check and activate the config management:
PLEASE read the warnings about switching this on for your project in terms of reporting etc.
I would suggest you do this on a TEST project.
Matt Muller
SyntheSys Technologies
This, as I understand, can be done by navigating to the settings drop down, "Manage this Project Area" and then navigating to the "Configuration Management" side option. On this page I am then presented with a page that has a click button box to "Enable Configuration Management". Does this require a key to be purchased, this is not clear?
Oh the comment that follows points to a self-generated key.
You should be able to use the same key in your prod environment.
I'm not familiar with the DOORS 9 "change proposal system", or how to emulate that in DNG. Change sets or side streams seem an obvious choice, but that does require you enable CM for that project area, and you are correct that there are other impacts. You would need to enable CM in any DNG or QM project areas that you link to. It could affect your integrations (not sure about the one you mention). It also requires the LQE server for reporting, and given your cross-domain linking, the GCM and LDX applications as well. So regardless of license cost, there are other costs.
I echo David's suggestion to talk to your account manager or ELM partner to get guidance - there might be other approaches that do not require CM. You can also use a sandbox on to try out the CM capabilities.
The CM capabilities are really powerful, but they do require some upfront planning to adopt. Here are a few more resources that might be helpful: