Is there a way to export the URI (if it is not already linked) from DNG to csv or xls?
4 answers
Some additional points:
- For cross-component links the Link Type you want to use must have a URI and must have the same URI in both components. The URI is used to unambiguously identify the Link Type, so in principle you could have different names on the Link Type in each component, but don't do that: keep the names the same too.
- For cross-component linking both ends must be in the global configuration or for non-GC the projects must be associated
- If link constraints are in force the link must be allowed
- Check that link creation is possible by manually trying to create an example link - if you can't create a link manually then import can't create links
This works for me using e.g. {LINK id=4637} (see @Davyd's comments below too) and this can create either an incoming or outgoing link. I tried with a built in link type and a custom link type.
@Davyd - the black magic comment made my day, as this is exactly what we are experiencing :) - little quirks here and there that require experimentation to verify...
@Brad - nope, I've used this technique since somewhere around version 3.0 and all of my current clients are on at the moment because they are running on IBM's SaaS offering.
@Brad I started by creating a view - this obviously has to include the link column for the link you want to create. Then I exported to CSV not xlsx/xls, but only because my test env doesn't have Excel installed. Because the export was created by DOORS Next, I didn't modify the header row - so no added spaces etc. I would not be tempted to create the spreadsheet by hand, because it's so much simpler to create by export. In my export I specifically included an artifact with a link I'd manually created to give me a starter for 10. The exported cell shows e.g. {LINK id=4636 uri=} but you don't need the URI just the shorter form {LINK id=123}
Thanks for your help, I did get some to work that way, but DOORS had other ideas and gremlins preventing some links an not others, and yes they were all the same artifact type, just in different folders...