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Is there a possibility to enable lock on requirement artifact automatically by state change or workflow? - DOORS NG

Usha Kandasamy (111) | asked Sep 22 '20, 10:44 p.m.


I am using DOORS NG for managing requirements through workflow.
I want to enable lock on requirements once it has reached a specific state in the workflow, so that users can not edit or modify the requirement artifact.

Can you please suggest the setting/option to enable it?


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David K (413) | answered Sep 22 '20, 11:37 p.m.
Hi Usha,

This is possible if you have the ability to manage the permissions associated with the various roles in your Project environment.

Under the "permissions" tab within the "Manage Project area" option for a given role look under the "Save Artifact" permissions and you should see an option to control whether a given role can modify artifacts in specific states (see option "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state".

I've linked to a few screenshots to help show what I mean.

Permission tab:

Relevant Permission:

Hope this helps.



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