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Quality Management - Test Case Execution Records

Christopher McDaniel (159) | asked Sep 22 '20, 7:11 a.m.
I am noticing that when a Test Case has multiple Test Scripts, the TCER summarizes (rollsup) the last script run-result as the pass or fail for the overall execution.  But that last result could be a pass even though a separate script within that Test Case failed.  I would think that you would want the TCER to show a failure state until all scripts have passed.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the intent of the TCER? Or is there a way to stipulate that the TCERs will show a failure state until all scripts have passed?

Thanks for the help!

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Oct 29 '20, 1:52 a.m.

 TCER will always show pass / fail based on last result. It is recommended to associate 1 test script per test case. It may happen user has created a manual test script first and associated with a test case and later automated the manual test script. To support that scenario multiple test script association is supported with a test case. If test scripts are different, it is recommended to create separate test cases for each test script. User can create a test suite and add all related test cases into the test suite.

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