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JRS report for fetching Test Case results has data discrepancy

We have created a normal report in Report builder to fetch all Test Case results for an RQM project. But we have identified that there are data discrepancies with the Actual/Final result of a Test case result. For a huge number of Test case results, Final Verdict is showing as "Incomplete" even if it has an actual result selected on it. For example "TCResult1" is for one of the Test Case Result and its actual result is Passed but in the report it is displayed as Incomplete and also if the actual result is updated as executed in report it is showing as pass.
One answer


Hi Jayesh,

If you are using the Data Warehouse, then you are correct, you do not care about LQE or TRS. You only care about TRS refresh if you are using LQE (LQE is updated by TRS feeds, just as the Data Warehouse is updated by Data collection jobs).