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Fail to restore timeline

User cannot restore timeline and iteration, even created and archived by himself.
This happens for all users and in all project areas of RTC 6.0.6 iFix015.
Error message when trying to restore timeline or iteration: CRJAZ6053E To complete the task 'Project areas', you must have these permissions:' You are not allowed to perform the following actions: Modify the project area properties (modify / other) '
To create Timeline and Iterations, RTC uses the permission: Process> Project areas> Modify project areas> Modify the iteration structure
To archive Timeline and Iterations, RTC uses the permission: Process> Project areas> Modify project areas> Archive elements in the iteration structure
To restore Timeline and Iterations, the RTC uses the permission: Process> Project areas> Modify project areas> Modify project area properties
The company's Business rule allows team leaders to manage timelines and iterations, so that the "Modify the iteration structure" and "Archive elements in the iteration structure" permissions are enabled for the "Team Leader" Role .
However, the business rule does not allow team leaders to modify properties in the project area such as name, summary and description, and the "Modify project area properties" permission is blocked for the "Team Leader" Role.
1) Is there any specific permission to restore the timeline and iteration that does not allow the user to modify the other properties of the project area?
2) Are there any Defects or Improvements registered to address this situation where the user can create and archive the iteration, but cannot restore the same iteration?
This happens for all users and in all project areas of RTC 6.0.6 iFix015.
Error message when trying to restore timeline or iteration: CRJAZ6053E To complete the task 'Project areas', you must have these permissions:' You are not allowed to perform the following actions: Modify the project area properties (modify / other) '
To create Timeline and Iterations, RTC uses the permission: Process> Project areas> Modify project areas> Modify the iteration structure
To archive Timeline and Iterations, RTC uses the permission: Process> Project areas> Modify project areas> Archive elements in the iteration structure
To restore Timeline and Iterations, the RTC uses the permission: Process> Project areas> Modify project areas> Modify project area properties
The company's Business rule allows team leaders to manage timelines and iterations, so that the "Modify the iteration structure" and "Archive elements in the iteration structure" permissions are enabled for the "Team Leader" Role .
However, the business rule does not allow team leaders to modify properties in the project area such as name, summary and description, and the "Modify project area properties" permission is blocked for the "Team Leader" Role.
1) Is there any specific permission to restore the timeline and iteration that does not allow the user to modify the other properties of the project area?
2) Are there any Defects or Improvements registered to address this situation where the user can create and archive the iteration, but cannot restore the same iteration?