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How to export/import process changes?

Carlos Isacovich (59113) | asked Aug 06 '20, 10:48 a.m.

 I'm working in development environment introducing several changes in a process area, which is an ecact replica of the production environment.

 During initial implementation, I exported process template from development, I imported the template in production and I created a process area based on that template.
I'm developing now a new process' version, in the development environment. Once tested, how move the same changes to the production one?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 07 '20, 2:36 a.m.
Since you fail to provide the name of the tool you talk about here an answer for EWM that can partially work for other solution components as well:

 I would suggest to look at process sharing.

Although you can create a new process template from the process you develop, you can not deploy a template on top of an existing project area. In EWM you can use process sharing, or you have to manually update the process of the project area based onsome step by step description.

In process sharing you can point your project area to share a new version of the process e.g. in another project area, or the process in the old project area is updated. This assumes that the new process was developed from the old one.

Carlos Isacovich selected this answer as the correct answer

Carlos Isacovich commented Aug 07 '20, 9:10 a.m.

Hi Ralph. Thanks for your answer. I believed that EWM was marked. I apologize for the mistake.
Just to confirm that I understood the idea. My current configuration is based on process sharing - a parent process area (Corporate process) that has no members and no work items define the process, which is inherited by several process areas (one for each corporation' company). So, if I create a new Corporate process area with the new process version and point the children areas to inherit the process from this new one, it wil work, doesn't it?
Thanks again. Rgds.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 07 '20, 9:45 a.m.
Hi Carlos,

exactly. You can edit in the sharing project area and that should be propagated to the using ones, or you create a template and a new project area and then edit that process. In the latter case the using project areas can decide when to adopt by changing the project area that they use.

Some additional stuff.

  • Look int the final check boxes to prevent the sharing project areas to over write.
  • Process customization such as operational behavior should be done in the sharing project areas.

Carlos Isacovich commented Aug 24 '20, 2:29 p.m.
Thanks a lot Ralph, it is working fine. We defined as final most of the personalizations (really almost all, except several enumerations, attribute customizations and work items templates).

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