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Based on custom attribute date generation in RTC.

Dear Team,
We have created four custom attribute Assign to ER team , Assign to SE as type contributor and Assign to team date and Assign to SE date with type as timestamp. We need to know when the user fills an Assign to team date and clicks on save button it should get automatically generate date when the user clicks that particular custom attribute and similarily when the user fills assign to SE date it should get automatically generate another date when the user is assigning to SE. we would want to track that when it is assigned to team, and when it is assigned to SE not enabling system generated not by manually filling dates .
Please suggest us how can we able to do this.
Kindly support.
One answer

You can not hook up to the save button.
The possible ways to set a date in an attribute are
- Attribute customization (JavaScript or Java)
These would trigger on the attribute change and can store a date then.
- Follow up actions on work item save as server extensions. See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/learning-to-fly-getting-started-with-the-rtc-java-apis/
Would add an additional save with a changed date.