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No of Sub Gc Stream ( Child Gc Stream) into one Parent GC Stream

Monali Jambhulkar (841844) | asked May 12 '20, 11:28 a.m.

 Hello All

We are using CLM ifix 005 in our environment .

can we know  how many Sub Stream stream can be added in one Parent STream ?

Is there any limitation on no of Sub Gc Stream ( Child GC Stream ) into one parent GC stream?

for example : 
 GC Parent Stream 
    --> GC Child Stream 1
    --> GC Child Stream 2
    -- > GC Child Stream 3


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Stefan Oblinger (185213) | answered May 16 '20, 3:22 a.m.

Hi Monali,

there is no hard restriction implemented.

But there is the recommendation not to add more that 25 contributions to a GC tree in version

With 7.0, the number of supported contributions was significantly increased:
- 2500 for Oracle
- 250 for DB2
- 25 for SQL Server


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