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change permission of a new file in SCM automatically

Lineda Delas (411) | asked Mar 03 '20, 2:49 a.m.

 Hi there,

When adding a new file to SCM, I need to restrict access to a particular group if the name contains a certain prefix like "BD_XXX_ *" automatically.

So is there another option to implement this action other than creating a custom Advisor?

Is there any option for implementation with the API?


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 03 '20, 6:57 a.m.

 An advisor is running before an operation such as a save and can prevent stuff. It must not not change the data.

I have experimented with it for a customer and there are not many options that I see. A follow up action would be logical, but runs in the users context and will not work if the user doing the operation does not have the permission for the change. This is what we did:

You could run an external process against the server. Provided that gets the information about the files to change it could do it in the background. Problem here is the delay between the save/deliver,.. and it happening.

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