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Workflow and Requirements lifecycle, status

Patrik Andersson (131) | asked Feb 05 '20, 9:57 a.m.
We are working with requirements in two (sometimes Three) levels, using links to connect them. In all of these states we are also using workflow for status of the requirement. 
If I have one requierment that is linked to two other requirement, is it possible to automaticly change status on the first requirement to "Done" when the two linked requirements are fullfilled? 
Kind regards, 

Accepted answer

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Feb 05 '20, 11:30 a.m.

Hi Patrik,

In DOORS Classic you could filter on attributes of linked artifacts to semi-automate an update of this type.

In DNG you cannot filter on linked attributes (or workflow state) in a view.

You could filter using a JRS report but you would have to export/import via XLS to automate an update and I don't think Workflow state can be updated by spreadsheet import like attributes can.

RM Extensions might be a solution but it may not be possible to update workflow via an extension in the way you can for attributes.

Here are the RM extension links anyway for reference.

And have a read of the current DNG API at

Patrik Andersson selected this answer as the correct answer

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