Review in RPE
Accepted answer
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review.dta is readily available in the machine where DNG is installed (under <JTS>\server\conf\rm\reporting\initialization\templates\rrdg). You can open it in RPE and modify it as per your requirements.
yes, but in this review.dta file contains direct url , i want to create using data source configuration, i want script expression for data source configuration. i already used script but its not working. please help me.
OK. So where do you start from? Module? You can use a data source configuration for each artifact in the module using script expression. Please refer RPE sample template under %rpe_home%\templates\DNG, to get an idea about using data source configuration.
yes, I have started from module-> Text-> uisketches -> Reviews, but I have faced problem in review data source configuration using script expression. I have refered to dng template but i didn't get any result in review. please help me.