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Reporting on files attached to RQM test cases

Steven Hovater (109125) | asked Feb 03 '20, 9:57 a.m.
edited Feb 03 '20, 5:46 p.m. by Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114)
hi all
In a global-configuration, we note that it's possible to associate RTC SCM files with RQM test artifacts (testcase, for example).

Furthermore, we note that Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) allows a report to be written that will include the linked files. That's marvelous! However.. what is returned is a URL, not a filename, which would be a lot more useful to the report users.

Is there a Jazz web service that could take a url like this:

into a filename? I didn't see anything in the RPE (RTC) SCM schema that might help.


One answer

permanent link
Steven Hovater (109125) | answered Mar 02 '22, 12:26 p.m.

 I've been told that this was a defect, and would be addressed in 7.0.3.

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