How to get action id of workitem state using server side java api?
Hi all,
I want to fetch action id of the state using server side api, please share the API if you have
Accepted answer
A state has not an action ID, it has a state ID; in addition, a state has a certain number of associated actions users can perform from that state.
That said, in a server side plugin attached to a workitem Save operation, you can get the id of the action you are performing this way:
public void run(AdvisableOperation operation,
throws TeamRepositoryException {
Object data = operation.getOperationData();
if (data instanceof ISaveParameter) {
saveParameter = (ISaveParameter) data;
String workItemActionIDString = saveParameter.getWorkflowAction();
Andrew Ciaz selected this answer as the correct answer
One other answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Jan 07 '20, 4:57 a.m.
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER shows a tool that can calculate the path to a state if available.
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