CRRGW5301E and CRRGW6016E when running existing JRS Reports
We removed and re-added the LQE datasource for RDNG and RQM. Post this operation was performed successfully, we see the below error when running existing JRS reports:
CRRGW5301E An error occurred when obtaining the raw results from the data source. For more information, see the Jazz Reporting Service log file. CRRGW6016E The report includes an artifact type that is not in the data source. The type is dng_merged1:<artifact type>
We selected the datasource found by LQE when using the option Add Data Source using the below procedure:
What could be the reason ? How do we resolve this issue ?
One answer
This behavior could be related to the custom context root that may be used in the environment. When adding the data source detected automatically by LQE, the custom context root may get picked up which leads to a problem with the PREFIX in the existing reports SPARQL queries.
Please reach out to IBM Support to investigate further to investigate and provide inputs.