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Is there a way to mark Test Scripts as Automated and subsequently generate a report/query that shows how many Test Scripts are automated?

Michael Haun (4921924) | asked Jan 23 '13, 5:04 p.m.
This is similar to another question asked on Nov 14 '12, 1:21 a.m.

Right now, RQM is just showing all my test scripts as "Manual" under the column "Script Type".  Is there anyway to change this?  I see Test Cases can be marked as 'Automated' but not test scripts.

If Test Scripts can be marked as 'Automated' is there a way in v4.0.1 to query this info?

Thank you.

Accepted answer

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Bob Gallagher (3211) | answered Jan 24 '13, 12:49 p.m.
 Since script type cannot be modified you could add a Category to the Test Script type, e.g. Automated and set that category value to yes when the manual script has an automated version.
Michael Haun selected this answer as the correct answer

Michael Haun commented Jan 24 '13, 1:26 p.m.

Thanks Bob, this sounds promising.  Is there a way to add this category to all test scripts under a test plan at once?  We have nearly a thousand test scripts.

If we can do that it looks like querying the category is straightforward.

Bob Gallagher commented Jan 24 '13, 2:39 p.m.

Once you define the category it will appear for each Script. You can assign a default value or set up the category to have only one value "automated" and if left Unassigned then it is not automated.

When browsing Test Scripts there is not a way to query based on Test Plan to which it may be related.
That said, looking in your image note the icon to the right of the column titled Owner. This icon appears for any column which is allowed to be changed in a bulk change operation. You can select a number of items and then click that icon to change all selected. Again in your image, clicking the checkbox in the header of the first column will select all the items. Note this selects all items in the query result not just what is visible in the browser.

2 other answers

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Stephane Leroy (1.4k149) | answered Jan 24 '13, 5:57 a.m.
edited Jan 24 '13, 5:58 a.m.
Hi Michael,

- at creation time, depending on what your test script is dedicated for, you should select the adhoc script type (Manual, Junit selenium, Rational AppScan, Rational Functional Tester, Rational Performance Tester, etc.)
 Note : once test script is created, I believe you could not change its type.
- then for querying your test scripts by their type :

  * 1st: you could filter wrt your particular needs (e.g. want to see on Junit selenium and RPT scripts)

  * 2nd: save this as a query (that you could reuse anytime from your "Saved Queries").


Michael Haun commented Jan 24 '13, 10:42 a.m.

Thanks Stephane.  How do I get to that particular screencap you posted where I can run such a query?

Stephane Leroy commented Jan 24 '13, 11:07 a.m.

does this additional screencap (with procedure) answers to your question ?


Michael Haun commented Jan 24 '13, 1:36 p.m.

Thanks Stephane.  This is likely a very basic question but I still don't see how to get the query section to appear.  Here is what I see:

Bob Gallagher commented Jan 24 '13, 2:15 p.m.

in your image above, click the bar that is under the table column headings (see the tiny arrow un the e in Script Type 

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Rajat Singh (59833545) | answered Jan 26 '13, 9:07 a.m.
You can add a category by clicking the tab as shown below under Browse Test Scripts:

Then you can create a custom category and name it as per your requirement:

Hope this helps!!

Best Regards

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