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RTC Web Client - Cannot link Source Control Related Change Request - Project area not loading

Celia Bengel (1117) | asked Oct 30 '19, 8:51 a.m.

 RTC Web Client - Source Control 6.0.6

I need help figuring out how to the Related Change Request pop-up to work from RTC Web Client for Source Control. 

For a Change Set, I'm about to use the pop-up for Associating a Work Item with no issues.  For the  Add Change Set, the Project Area never loads.   I cannot select a project area and move forward to the next step (Link to Existing)

Am I missing a setup activity to align the project areas for the change set?

2 answers

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 30 '19, 10:38 a.m.

 You have to set up the project area associations to be able to use Change Request links. See

Celia Bengel commented Oct 30 '19, 1:51 p.m. believe I see it now.

This is linking to a Requirement Change Request in RDNG.  My understanding is this is the Change Set functionality in RDNG which is available if you implement Global Configuration Management.   

We have not yet gone to GCM - which means it would not yet be supported.


Geoffrey Clemm commented Oct 30 '19, 6:19 p.m. | edited Nov 01 '19, 7:11 p.m.

One source of confusion is that in your question, you state that you are asking about RTC Web Client for Source Control, which means you are linking with RTC change sets.  But in this comment, you talk about linking in RDNG.    Ralph provided answers to both topics, but in the future, it is much clearer if you submit a new question if you want to discuss a topic other than the one specified in the question.

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 31 '19, 6:13 a.m.

See my considerations in my new answer below. 

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 31 '19, 6:12 a.m.
edited Oct 31 '19, 6:59 a.m.

 Not enough space in a comment.

The problem seems to be terminology, and lack of details in the question. As far as I can tell, change sets in RTC can be linked to 
  1. A RTC Work Item
  2. A Change Request - this is an OLSC capability that allows to link to external CM providers.
There is no link capability between RTC Change Sets and any object in DNG which is a RM prvider.

DNG can link to Work Item in RTC. It provides
  1. Requirement Change Request 
  2. Implementation Request 
as a relationship between requirements and work items
The association must be created in the project area(s) that should provide the capability of linking.

This is completely unrelated to Global Configuration Management. Local Configuration Management and Global Configuration Management is a completely different beast entirely.

Change sets in configuration managed DNG are unrelated to change sets done in RTC. The link, as far as I  can tell, is the work item relationship possibly the relationship between configuration in RTC and DNG maintained using the releases.   

So maybe you can be more precise what you want to ask about?

Celia Bengel commented Oct 31 '19, 12:21 p.m.

I think what I  need first it to understand where in the Rational tools is a Change Request created.  The linking in RTC source control is definately RM related.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Nov 01 '19, 7:09 p.m.
One clarification to Ralph's response above:
- When linking with DNG change set, the "requirement change request" is what links a work item with a DNG change set.  The "implementation request" is what links a work item with a DNG requirement (there are two types of such links: Implementation links and Related links). 

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