DNG and "/rm/publish/resources?resourceURI=" request performance ...
In DNG, with RPE, we must generate a traceability matrix.
For each requirement found in the DNG module, we should have :
- the ID and Title of the source requirement
- the ID, Title and Module Name of the linked target requirements
In RPE, we use this request on the source module :
With this request, we obtain all needed informations, except the target requirement module name :
<ds:Link type="Link">
<rrm:title>Abusus enim multitudine hominum, quam tranquillis in rebus diutius rexit, ex agrestibus habitaculis urbes construxit multis opibus firmas et viribus, quarum ad praesens pleraeque licet Graecis nominibus appellentur, quae isdem ad arbitrium inposita sunt co</rrm:title>
To obtain the target module name, we use another request based on <rrm:relation> item :
With this request, we can obtain the module name, and we can build our matrix but ...
But the performance is very "poor" ... With hundred target links, the generation time is very long. We have already optimize the RPE canvas with some Javascript to cache the information and reduce the requests number.
Do you know it is it possible to obtain all informations requested by the matrix, with a fastest way ?
Thank you