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RPE Datasource URI with a broken link to an artifact in it

Erik Herrmann (1515) | asked Oct 11 '19, 10:12 a.m.
edited Oct 11 '19, 5:58 p.m. by Fariz Saracevic (919613)


I am using RPE and have setup my datasource to point to a module with dozens of artifacts in it. This is my top level URI link.

When I generate (publish) the document, the RPE tool queries all the artifacts contained in this URI for my data one by one. This publishing continues until it encounters one particular artifact link which an 404 error. This causes the RPE tool to stop generating as shown below.

Then I go to this link directly outside of RPE, it gives me a 404 error. Which tells me that there is nothing at this particular link.

So my question is how to remove broken links from the URI? Or ignore broken links somehow. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks

CRRPE3018I The data source configuration DNG Text is reconfiguring data source DNG Text.
CRRPE1064I Error in engine incompatible with

CRRPE3012E IBM Rational Publishing Engine error. incompatible with
CRRPE1064I Aborting engine execution...
CRRPE1064I 31885 publishing commands are processed. 0 publishing commands remain to be processed.
CRRPE3097I The document template is processed. If there are no more templates to process, output files are being written.
CRRPE1064I Document generation finished in 3663 seconds. 
CRRPE3603I Enable the Core Debug Mode for RPE to receive additional information on errors.
CRRPE1022I The process was completed in 3,664.786 seconds.
CRRPE1023E The document could not be generated.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Oct 13 '19, 12:55 p.m.

You can set Metadata property "Ignore Data Source Configuration Errors" to true so that RPE ignores broken links and the document generation completes.

Erik Herrmann selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Oct 12 '19, 12:26 p.m.
Hi Erik,

>>This publishing continues until it encounters one particular artifact link which an 404 error

What do you mean by this?

Do you mean the module thinks it contains an artifact which is not there?

Or do you mean an artifact inside the module contains a link to something else which is not there?

In the former case it sounds like a data corruption.

Try copy and pasting the module or duplicating it to resolve the broken content.

Try making an archive of the project and restoring it

Try exporting  reqif of the data and re-importing it to see if any of these things clears up the discrepancy.

permanent link
Erik Herrmann (1515) | answered Oct 15 '19, 12:50 p.m.

To clarify. The issue is that there are artifacts inside the module that contain a link to something else which is not there.

Subramanya has the correct answer though. Just set the metadata property to ignore the links that don't work. I still need to determine why the links were broken in the first place, but for now I will just skip them with this method. Thanks! 

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Jan 28 '21, 1:08 p.m.
This is an issue with PUB that is fixed in PUB 7.0.2:

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