How do I return Rational License Tokens from standalone network ?
My Jazz Team Server is on a network that is not connected to the Internet.
I have successfully imported 400 IBM Rational Main Token Feature (Floating Licenses) using the IBM Rational License Key Administrator.
To do this I used the "IBM Rational License Key Administrator" (licadmin8.exe) and selected 'License Keys / Import License Keys' browsed to the "license.dat" file and selected "Open" and "Import".
That was all fine. For the past few months I have had 400 tokens.
Now I need to return 200 of the tokens. But the 'License Keys / Get, Return or Move Keys" option does not work because I can not connect to"
What do I need to do to reduce my available number of tokens from its current value of 400 down to 200?
One answer
Hi Peter
Thanks Nikhil,
the problem is that the server is on a network that is not connected to the internet so the wizard that I would normally run from "IBM Rational License Key Administrator" won't work. i.e. selecting 'License Keys / Get, Return or Move Keys' doesn't work.
A colleague of mine has got the License Key Account login so I will ask her to do as much as she can for me. Then I'll get back to you if I need more help.